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10 selfies which we should stop taking in 2015

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2014 was a year of selfie, because exactly this year this notion has become popular like never before. Despite everyone of us   took a selfie more than once before this year, the notion itself was introduced not so long ago.  Who can think that self-portraits can be so irritating, as millions of people post them by large sets in their social network profiles. But if you have decided to irritate your subscribers by monotonous selfies, so do it right.  Here is a list of 10 types of selfies which we should stop taking in 2015 for sure.

“Look, what a piece of trash right behind me!”

failed selfie background

Of course there is nothing wrong if there is a celebrity behind you or something really cool. But if you take a self-portrait with a man suffered from obesity or dressed in an unseemly manner in the background, then it’s just infernally rough and stupid. If you have a lot of photos like this in your profile, you are supposed to be an idiot.

Abuse by photofilters

selfie filters

It’s better to use filters carefully: if you use them very smoothly, people may notice your physical defects, but if you use filters too much by half, then the photo turns into something unconceivable. If you don’t like a photo then maybe it’s worth making another shot instead of using filter?

“Hey, I adore carbohydrates!”

selfie with ice cream and sweet things

The whole Instagram is snowed under the photos of the young ladies having fattening yummy sweets in their hands.  If you think that nobody puts attention to the fact that you are wearing clothes of tiny size you are wrong. Let’s be honest: you don’t eat all this stuff definitely.

Slim girl selfie with a hashtag like #iamfat

iamfat selfie

If you are a girl of normal size who publishes photos of herself with the hashtags like  #iamfat, #fattyselfie, #fatselfie, etc, stop doing it immediately. Stop, for a common sense. It’s not sweet and, by the way, it’s not good to beg for compliments from your friends waiting for commentaries like “Hey, come on,  you are perfect!”.

Photo from above

selfie from above

Such type of selfies has already been out-of-date for a few years ago. They turn you into a dwarf with tiny legs, in addition the majority of people cut photos, leaving just a face. Be natural, take things as you find them.

“I look great, whereas all others look like a shit”

selfie with an ungly friend

Nobody likes photos where everybody looks nice and just you resemble Lord Voldemort. It’s just unfair. If you decide to take a peer picture with a friend, wait, till he or she will be ready for a shot.

Guess who is drunk?”

drunken selfie

It is not worth taking any selfies during the alcoholic intoxication. Though it may seem a great idea – to show your friends how you “enjoyed” the party, – but it is a thing you will be sorry about next morning and hurry up to delete it as soon as possible.

Selfie after having sex

selflie aftersex

Maybe you have already heard about such a fashionable tendency of 2014 like after-sex selfies.  Among this category you can see photos of teenagers who possibly don’t think about their parents who may see them. In any case it’s very mean, let’s take pictures with your clothes on and keep your smartphones away from the bed in 2015.

Selfie during having sex

selfie during sex

Probably everybody agrees that it is the bottom of photography. And exactly such photos should be burned to ashes on the funeral fire of 2014 for sure.

Article Categories:
Worst selfies
selfie contests app Selfiest

Comments to 10 selfies which we should stop taking in 2015

  • I still do not know what is the purpose of posting a photo of yourself crying but you should definitely consider taking a break from selfies to down a tub of ice cream. Or doing whatever it is to make yourself happy.

    VPS server April 25, 2016 11:22 pm Reply

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