selfie rankings
9 years ago
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Wanna take a perfect pelfie? Pooch Selfie at your service

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This autumn Kickstarter presents a new smartphone attachment Pooch Selfie which enables users to take terrific pet selfies. Dog lovers may ease their lives with this unusual device which was created for those people who love selfies and their dogs. This attachment was designed for most popular smartphones and tablets including LG, Galaxy and iPhone. The product consists of a tennis ball and special phone attachment so your dog definitely won’t take his eyes off of it.

Pooch Selfie

The creators took advantage of the fact that all dogs are naturally attracted by the bright toys such as tennis balls. They promise you lively and funny pics with your dog. You can take pictures of your pet and his friends


…take selfies with your dog

dog selfie 1

…take family pics with children


kids selfie

…and, finally, take super-funny party pelfies

dog party


The idea may seem ridiculous but people love their pets, that’s why the project’s likely to shoot the fish in the barrel.

Photos from




Article Categories:
Animal selfies
selfie contests app Selfiest

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