selfie rankings
6 years ago
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gray cat kitty kitten looking in the camera

What is your favorite animal ? The question tends to be rhetorical as most of people prefer cats. According to statistics 85 million of cats live in american houses. These adorable pets became a part of our culture. We can’t imagine a nice house without it. We visit our friends at their home and this is the cat who becomes a victim of our cuddles.


the cat is excited about a selfie


Cats are tamed by human  about 10.000 years ago. At first, their duty was to catch mice in villages and on ships. But now we keep them in our homes as companions or even as children. They make our life more cozy, bright and funny. What else do we need ?


mean cat spoils the selfie of a girl


We love our pets and love to take selfies, so why not combine it? It seems that everyone who has a cat took a selfie with his little friend  for once in his life.


everyone is excited about making a mirror selfie, esp. the cat


Selfies spoiled by a cat deserve special attention ! Every photo with a kitty cat helping you to take a selfie is an artwork.


the cat spoils a selfie lifting his tail


LET ME IIIIN ! Or out. I haven’t decided yet. Cats are never sure what they need. Once your open the door to let him out he changes his decision.


cat wants to let him out


Exercising with the cat gives a special motivation.  Just look at this lovely chubby ball of fur !


cat is trying to loose weight


The home is where the cat is. And for my cat the home is me.


cat screaming while taking a selfie


My cat just loves to be photographed. Do you see this happy face?


cat going crazy and taking a selfie


What makes wedding photos perfect? The answer is obvious.


cat spoiling the wedding photo


This is how we all should pose for photo. No one can make it better than this cute fluffy creature.


cat staying on 2 paws



Article Categories:
Animal selfies
selfie contests app Selfiest

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