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7 years ago
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Belly selfie: pros and cons

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belly selfie

Belly selfie is one of the cutest moments of your pregnancy. Every pregnant celebrity is guilty of taking selfies of their bumps. If you got pregnant it´s time to documentary your belly growth the most charming way possible. You can post all your selfie in one collage, or take them privately and show your kid after.  Here we have several inspirational ideas how to make the cutest belly selfie.

The heart-shaped hands

The best way to announce your pregnancy publicly is a cute belly selfie. Since Beyoncé slayed on her pregnant photos, you can try something more romantic and tender. You can shape a heart with your hands around your bump. It is an awesome way to show your belly off when there isn’t  that much to see.

Mirror belly selfie

While taking a mirror selfie, make sure that the mirror is clean. Generally speaking, if you are not planning to post it and you just want to save this precious memory for yourself, we recommend you to be yourself and wear something you feel great and comfortable in. Remember, you are pregnant and it´s already a miracle of nature!

Take a risk

If you are not ashamed of you pregnant body and feel great in it. Why not putting on a bikini and show the world your happiness. In fact, you can take this belly selfie on a beach or at home in the bathroom. As can be seen,  your smile, bump and confidence matter.

 Draw a picture

The body art is one more way to make emphasis on your adorable bump. You will have so much fun while during the process and can have a perfect belly selfie meanwhile and the results are awesome. Also, you may ask your significant one to draw a picture on your belly.

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Take a selfie
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