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10 years ago
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Happy flower selfies – summer selfie collection!

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It’s summertime, guys and the livin’ should be easy! These nice pics were collected to cheer you up and inspire you to enjoy every single summer day!nature and flowers

Extra positive daisy selfie by Flickr user. Keep smiling – summer’s in the air!

Talking about positive summer pictures we cannot pass by celebrities.

 Alan Cumming selfie

A popular Scottish-American actor and LGBT rights supporter Alan Cumming posted this flower pic to his tweeter.

miranda crown

Australian popular model Miranda Kerr wearing rose diadem.

bath selfie

“If you are going to San Francisco be sure to wear some flowers in your hair” … and take a flower selfie of course.

Modern vintage photos are gaining more and more popularity.

kids with flowers pic

Couldn’t help posting kids selfies to the blog, they are truly inspiring and the photo is filled with positive emotions.

Stylish selfie pic

There’s still a place for uniqueness and originality in our digital world. This flower sellfie pic is a vivid example!

Don’t want to sound sexist but yeah women love flowers, and flowers make them look even more beautiful!

eat flower selfie roseselfie girl

As for men…

flower-beards selfie   flower-beards pic

One of the latest modern trends among males is a flower beard. Well, that’s so cute and funny at the same time. These pics prove that nature’s always trendy!

happy together

The best way to show that you love each other and everything around you is probably a great selfie like this.

tulip selfie

These tulips are as gentle and beautiful as the girl on the picture is.


Look at this woman! She looks so happy near this scarlet Rafflesia! Actually the exotic plant is considered as one of the most stinking in the world. She obviously did want to take a perfect summer selfie!

rafflesia selfie

Enjoy your holidays and the last days of summer.  Terrific “autumn leaves selfie collection” is coming soon.

flower-crown selfie

Article Categories:
Take a selfie
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