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9 years ago
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Selfie Elbow : a generation illness

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Do you snap selfies every day? Have you ever suffered from pain in your elbow?

If your answers to this questions are both positive, then you are probably affected by a strange condition named ‘selfie elbow’.

A number of people have recently noted their elbows being achy. After they decided to consult a doctor to find out the cause of the pain, they were asked whether they were playing tennis or ping-pong. They did not, but then some of them were able to diagnose the illness themselves – it was linked to their obsession with selfies. The uncomfortable angle at which you keep your arm up still while taking a selfie might be reason of elbow pain.

So, we’re living in the XXI century now, and ‘selfie elbow’ is real!

Selfie Elbow : a generation illness

To treat this medical condition, you might just give your arms a few stretches next time you’re going to shoot a selfie. If it doesn’t help, and the pain gets really awful, you might consider giving up on selfies for a while and seeing your doctor to prescribe you some medication.

Well, this isn’t the first time selfies do harm to human health. Recently, lots of people got injured or even died trying to take a perfect selfie shot, for which a new term ‘selfiecide’ was coined. So, it’s absolutely time we become more careful when snapping selfies.

Take care of yourselves!

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