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7 years ago
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Selfie of the Summer

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Summer is in its splendour. The best time to go out and enjoy the weather. Also, you can try to take the best shot that will make you smile during long rainy fall nights. It may take hundreds of photos to find the perfect picture, but it’s worth it.  Here we have for you the easiest summer tricks for your selfie of the Summer.

  1. Go outside

    The selfie of the summer should have the best lighting. The lighting is a miracle that will make shadows and under-eye circles completely disappear. The best time of day for sunny selfies is during “golden hour”— the time at the sunrise or the sunset when the light is low and looks almost golden. Sometimes you will have to get up early for the nice memories. Extra tip – use a highlighter. This amazing product can make your face look exactly like a supermodel Vogue cover, add some to your cheekbones, nose and under the eyebrow. 

  2. Catch the wind

    How many fans are used for a professional photo shoot? the answer is two or three, but you can use the wind instead. Summer breeze makes your hair look just like in a shampoo advertising – strong and beautiful. Extra tip – shooting outside, don’t forget about protection, apply some SPF products on your face, it prevents sunburns and prevents the ageing of your skin. After all the skin cancer is real. Your hair also needs protection.

  3.  Find a great background

    If you are on holidays make sure the sun, the sea and palms are on your background. Show the beauty of the nice weather and beach vibes. On the other hand, try to be creative, palm trees have been seen a million times already. Extra tip -don’t forget about hydration. With or without make-up, dehydrated skin will always show up in selfies, don’t forget about 2 litres of water a day.

Have a nice summer!


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Take a selfie
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