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7 years ago
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Upside down selfie

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Have you ever taken about a hundred of selfies but you still feel that something is missing in them? You look too typical, too boring and predictable? Well, sometime to solve the problem you should look at it from the other angle. Next time you are going to take a selfie turn your phone upside down. If you are asking what for? It is a cool selfie trick. Try it, well you won´t be the first, obviously. Lots of celebrities have already done that.

Focus on upside down look

There are so many advantages of turning your camera upside down. Firstly, your face will look thinner and your body slimmer and sexier. Even more, your eyes will bigger and if you have any dark circles under your eyes they will be hardly noticeable. A huge advantage, right? Who doesn’t want to have some flattering selfies? Upside down a bit cheeky selfie is an absolute must-have of any sexting.

Taking upside down selfies is so fun.  You can smile and look gorgeous, thanks gravitation this miracle trick can help you shine your selfies.  Be careful though and don’t throw your phone on your face, it could be painful. Just kidding.


It’s hard to say who has invented this trend, but models are using this. We are spotting so many celebs do it. Particularly, pay attention to Bar Refaeli, the Israeli model, television host, actress and businesswoman knows how to sell her face and figure in the most natural way possible. Doesn’t she look gorgeous?

Being a sexy tattoo man is not easy, so hard to show up all the 2018th trends in one selfie among them – the colourful tattoos, beard, bracelets, chains and upside down selfie.

In conclusion, stay tuned for the latest selfie trends. Let your selfies conquered the whole world!

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