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7 years ago
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Shelfie – a new way to show your intellegence

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Being smart is so sexy. Nerds conquered the planet, Mark ZuckerbergElon Musk and Bill Gates have changed the world completely. So at the moment, it´s so fashionable to show off your nerdy things. What do nerds do? Selfies? Also selfie, but the intelligent young generation of millennials, the hipsters are included too, are famous for their shelfies. Wait, you haven’t heard about this before? Thank God and Buddha you are reading this article and we are here to illustrate you in the world digital trends.


What does shelfie mean?

The world shelfie is a portmanteau word that means a shelf selfie.  Basically, a shelfie is a picture taken to show off what is on your bookshelf. Typically, the person taking the photograph is also can be in the picture, but it’s not obligatory. The tradition to take shelfie is only for showing off your books, figures, or any other nerdy collection you have. Many people believe that the term was coined by an American author Rick Riordan.





Do you have anything on your shelf to show?

Any books, a collection of robots? What do you need for a shelfie? Any selfie with at least one book can be considered as a shelfie. If you are lack of books at home, oh boy, have you heard of libraries? It’s basically a place where you can borrow a book to read, well to take a selfie with. the celebs are often taking shelfies to promote a book. We highly recommend you to read the book before taking a picture with it. The same rule when you want to take a photo of your bookshelf, just make sure that there is nothing inappropriate about it. For example, there is no racist literature, suspicious religious books or old catalogues. Books of different colours look good though.


Any picture you are going to take, just be yourself, don’t pretend and don’t copy anyone. We are here only for your inspiration, but only you can decide what to post on social media.

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