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Thanksgiving selfies. Family edition

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It´s the end of November and it means that millions of Americans are celebrating Thanksgiving by snapping tons of selfies everywhere. Your social media must be overloaded with family pictures happily gathered in the dining rooms, trying to smile on the pictures forgetting about all the awkward comments some of them have already made. But we are loving the Thanksgiving for the special atmosphere of happiness and unity. Don´t forget it´s all about giving so share your Thanksgiving selfies with the world. Doesn´t matter where do you live.

There are no rules, how to create the best Thanksgiving selfie, so you must be disappointed, however, the main thing we advise you to do is to remember to be thankful.

Thanksgiving selfies options

Thanksgiving is probably the second most popular time for snapping group selfies.  Christmas is the first, obviously. So everything depends on your style to celebrate Thanksgiving.  For most of American is a family reunion.  So make sure all the people around are happy, believe it or not, pictures reflect honest emotions. Fakes smiles are so obvious if they are next to the genuine ones. So try to make everyone feel comfortable after all family is something that really matters.

If you are celebrating your Thanksgiving with friends.  Make a Friendsgiving party with your pals. All we want is to see true emotions and your festive tables. Make sure you have vegetarian options, you will thank us later for that tip. Lay the table and take a Thanksgiving selfie before you start the meal.

Originally Thanksgiving is a charity event, so maybe you can spend it trying to inspire people to change the world. Like that you show to the universe that you are grateful for everything you have and ready to share that with less lucky people. This is a beautiful American tradition is worth to be spread all over the world. We should be more attentive to people´s hardships.

Warm up somebody´s heart this cold November and take a selfie to share with the world.

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