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Belfie boom

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celebrity belfie

A new word in your dictionary would be belfie. It´s a portmanteau word, hence the word formed by combining two other words. However, the etymology of this term is unclear, it could be the combination of bum and selfie or butt and selfie or bottom and selfie.  Anyway, it´s obvious what part of your body should be in your picture.

A belfie it´s a new trend of bum centred beauty standards of the modern world. Originally, bum selfies are usually posted by females. But it doesn´t mean women have an exclusive right to post them if you are a man and feel free enough to do something like that – go ahead. First of all, for a great belfie, you should have a nice bottom part, many specialists advise starting your working out routine right before taking the first bum picture. However, sometimes it’s enough to choose the right light and pose. These simple tricks can help you to make a perky belfie:

belfie trick onebut picure

There is nothing better than practice in the art of taking belfies. You should start with anything simple, find the right outfit for it. The only rule we have here is – the tighter the better. Yoga pants will be a good choice for you. Any exercising outfit made of stretching material will help you to underline your bottom the best way possible.  Also, if your butt needs some gym you can postpone your belfie challenge. Posing is the second thing you should pay attention to.

trick two

For the best belfie, you should arch your spine and push your bottom back, that way it will look more mouth-watering. Also, this pose is not the most comfortable one and don’t stay like that for too long to prevent severe back pain. It’s all about to find the right angle.


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Comments to Belfie boom

  • Some have circumstances that have stopped them from having a place to live. Grant it, some are just bums but there are people who are not bums who are homeless. Everyone”s allowed their opinion but I think you”re wrong!

    bonsenovos March 8, 2018 7:26 am Reply
  • Thank you Ruth. So glad you liked it.

    Andrej March 10, 2018 11:23 am Reply
  • I can”t imagine how your team deals with the constant bum pressure on the community, daily you battle a bum insurgency.

    Marzia March 15, 2018 3:18 pm Reply

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