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6 years ago
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Level up your winter selfies

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Are you in a Christmas mood?  Do you hear Michael Bublé singing on every corner ¨It´s beginning to look a lot like Christmas¨? If you answered yes on both questions, it means you are ready for winter selfies marathon. It´s time to remember all the reasons why we love winter and reflect the on your selfies.


In December we are hunting for Christmas presents for our friends and families, so we are too busy to enjoy frosty weather and beautiful snowflakes. This is the first thing you should do on your winter selfies, we mean it´s time to enjoy snowy weather and the beauty of nature. The world looks a little bit different under the snow. Here we have prepared a checklist for your winter selfies inspiration.

Winer selfies checklist

  1. Playing snowballs. Do it alone or with friends, dogs will gladly pose for your winter selfies as well. 
  2. Winter sports selfies. If you are a fan of snowboarding or skiing let the world know that.
  3. Wait for frosty and sunny weather. You cheeks blushing from frost is the best accessory for your winter selfies. Good natural lightning will make them just perfect. 
  4. Choose a cosy and warm winter outfit, the best way to show off your winter look. 
  5. Try to take a selfie while the snow falls. It may be challenging, but still possible. 
  6. Ice skating selfie. It doesn´t matter whether you can skate or not, put on something warm and enjoy winter activities.
  7. If you are lucky or (unlucky) enough to show the real cold, snap a freezing selfie, surprise the community with your cold resistance. Extreme temperatures are not a big deal for 
  8. Selfies with Santa. Just why not, if you want some Christmas magic on your pictures. Remember sitting on Santa´s laps is a huge no-no if you are not a kid anymore. Enjoy the winter!
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