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Running selfie

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So, if you’re following our page regularly then you know already that one of the most popular today’s trends is taking selfie. And only one trend can compete with it – it’s leading healthy way of live. Only keeping fit is more attention-grabbing than taking selfie. But how can the world find out about it? Oh, yes, adorable results may speak better than words. But it takes too much time to wait (and honestly not everyone does really get them). So, if you’re leading healthy way of life, doing sport regularly and keep your eye on the diet but the number of your follower hasn’t still increased – read this article carefully and make notice how to improve the situation.

Running selfieRunning selfie

A running selfie! Absolutely new trend in taking selfies. What is running selfie? It’s a picture that you take using your smartphone of yourself before, during or after your run. And as well as any other selfie, running selfie requires skills and practice. We’ve collected the best tips for you to get a perfect running selfie all the time.

The right time

Early in the morning and in the late evening will give you an opportunity to get a type of lighting that you can’t get throughout the rest of the day. Try to time your run so you are arriving at your location of choice during sunrise or sunset to create the perfect background.

Running selfie Running selfie Running selfie

The right background

The farther you run, the more possible locations you have to include in your selfie. So, it can be your motivation as well)

Running selfie Running selfie Running selfie


It isn’t a normal selfie where you have time to get ready; it is a running selfie and you won’t have time to do any of that. But it doesn’t mean that you should be expressionless either. You may show either how difficult or how easy it was. Grin, show some teeth and let it all out. Alternatively, a big smile and thumbs up.

Running selfie Running selfie Running selfie

Fix your hair

Running selfie

While taking a running selfie hair and sweat are your main enemies. You may not be thrilled with the current state of your hair. So, before snapping the picture, make sure your hair is in decent shape and wipe the sweat away from your face. That said there is certainly no harm in taking a minute for some quick on-the-fly grooming.

Running selfie

Running selfies may be a challenge to pull off, but if done well, they are a great way to include your friends and followers in your life. If you follow these tips above, you should come away with great selfies anytime you go for a run.

If you have your running selfies already, don’t forget to share them with us in commentaries! We’re really interested in them.

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