selfie rankings
9 years ago
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Take your MacBook for a walk!

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If you think that your smartphone and tablet are not allowing you take truly professional selfies, this invention is sure to excite you. Art4o4 the famous creators of Netflix and Chill Room along with Tom Galle and John Yuyi created the selfie stick for Mac. Although the invention seems quite ridiculous it’s highly possible that the thing will become really popular with selfie takers. You can’t order the item yet as the authors claim they created it merely as a work of art but sooner or later somebody will definitely try to sell one. The designers made a website dedicated to their invention to show the gimmik to the world.selfie stick for Mac 1The first time New Yorkers have seen a MackBook selfie stick. You can build your muscles with this thing.macBook groufie with selfie stickWith the device you’ll be able to take perfect groufies due to its screen size. It’s magic! We’ll be looking forward to the MacBook selfie sticks reaching the market.

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