selfie rankings
7 years ago
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No selfie mode

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Every year more and more people die during attempts to take the best selfie. That´s why there are several places where you have to turn on no selfie mode. It is obvious that governments are trying to prevent such situation by adopting anti-selfie laws. Check this list before you are going to take another selfie.

  • Disney

    Selfie-sticks are officially prohibited in every of 11 thematic Disney parks. Originally, the law referred to those who used their gadgets on amusements rides. Since 2015 every person with a selfie stick should leave it at the entrance for security reasons.

  • Mumbai

    76 persons died trying to make better picture since 2014, Mumbai has this tragic world record. In order to prevent the increase of death the police are instituting patrols at the most popular places among selfie lovers. The ocean side has no fence and it could be dangerous for careless tourists. No selfie mode is the key to survive in India. The city has 16 selfie free points and any selfie attempt will be fined with £12,50.

  • The Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

    A photography ban was adopted in May 2013 to stop tensions between those who try to enjoy the museum and selfie addicted. Probably the only selfie is allowed there is the one of Van Gogh himself, holding a palette and paintbrushes behind his easel.

  • Mecca, Saudi Arabia

    It seems selfie generation of young Muslims was trying to post their hadj (a trip to the holy place)with all the details. Some Muslim clerics have asked people to refrain from posting selfies on social media to promote modesty.

  • Running of the Bulls, Pamplona

    In Navarra region, Spain it is strictly prohibited to take pictures during traditional ¨encierro¨ (running of the bulls) of Saint Fermín Festival. Since 1924 only 15 persons died during this tradition.  As well as every year between 200 and 300 people had different injuries during the run. However,  most of them were caused by falls and can’t be considered as serious. Last year one British darer was fined €3,000 for taking probably the most dangerous selfie ever.

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Extreme selfies
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