selfie rankings
9 years ago
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Unlucky after-sex selfie collection

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Sharing with a friend after-sex selfie has become quite popular among youth lately. Special app allows users to send pics which vanish within 10 secs. We collected here the funniest awkward after sex pictures. Some of these guys possibly had been partying all night before spending the rest of it with strangers. Maybe the situations will remind you of your friends or yourself – there’s nothing to be ashamed of … probably

probably dead selfie

People are unaware of who their new partners are

who is this selfie




stranger in bed selfie

and again…

after-sex selfie

and again.

grunting lover selfie


They ask silly questions. They are frightened and ashamed

I need help selfie


after-sex terror selfie

Well, perhaps not all of them.

guess what selfie

Perhaps they simply don’t have to.after-sex disappointment selfie

Or just cannot feel shame.

hilarious selfies

They unintentionally betray (stay away from whiskey!)

mate's ex selfie

These selfies can hardly inspire you for a one night stand and even if they do, then look at these terrified faces – that’s how it usually ends. Let’s try to stay out of trouble and if you can’t avoid making mistakes while drunk, don’t you get upset and have fun

after-sex hand selfie





after-sex doll selfie

Article Categories:
Sexy selfies
selfie contests app Selfiest

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