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6 years ago
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Shoot your shadow or how to take a confident shadow Selfie

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We are here to inspire you talking more selfies every day. This time we are going to tell you about the most hipster way of taking selfies. This trendy technic has the name of a shadow selfie.  Taking pictures of your own shadow is not only for timid teenagers. In this article you can learn how to take confident selfies, playing with light and shadow. For example, people who have taken many fine art courses or even professional photographers pay attention to their own shadow. Do you want to create a sense of mystery in your selfies?

Why do you need to take a shadow selfie?

The magic of shadow selfie consists in transforming your picture form tрree dimensional ones into two dimensional. The textures play a significant role and the picture talks less about you and more about the environment.

The secrets of best shadow selfies

  1. Usually, every minute is great for taking selfies, however, for this type of selfie, there is a perfect time. Scientifically proven, that the best time for taking a shadow selfie is or early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Long shadows look more photogenic.
  2.  As a variant, you can snap a picture at night, playing with lights in a dark room. That way you can learn how to understand light. This will boost your creativity and selfie skill, for sure.
  3. While focusing on the shadow if you cover your camera it will make the shoot even more mysterious. Try this trick for more snobbish selfies. Like that, it will look less than an amateur selfie, more like a professional photo.
  4. Don´t be too serious. Have fun, show that you enjoy the process.
  5. Share your shadow selfies with us. Common don´t be greedy, moreover, we are sure that your shoots will inspire!


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Take a selfie
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