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6 years ago
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Take a selfie with Santa

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Ho ho ho, the most magical time of the year has finally come. Are you still hunting for the best presents for your family, friends and colleagues or you are ready for holidays? We don’t know where will you celebrate Christmas at work or on a beach resort but we know how to wake the Christmas spirit up! Take a selfie with Santa, take part into our new Selfiest challenge!  Age is just a number, you can snap a selfie with Santa Claus at any age as soon as you can find any device with a camera.


Where can you find a Santa?

It depends on where do you live. It’s not necessary to book your trip to the North Pole for an authentic selfie. You can take a selfie with Santa anywhere! Find the local shopping centre and we sure you can find one there. Also, in your country, you may call it differently, Saint NicholasKris KringleFather Christmas whatever, just find a man who is dressed like that and ask him kindly to pose for your selfie.

Why do you need to take a selfie with Santa?

There are several reasons for that. Have you ever written a letter to Santa? Maybe you haven’t but we are sure you made a list of all the presents you wanted to get for Christmas! Right now you are too busy for writing to Santa, but you are always can make a wish every time you take a selfie with Santa. Even if it’s not a real one.  It has been proven that if you take a selfie with your friends the chances that your wish comes true are higher.

Santa loves selfies, so he will gladly agree to take one with you!

Everything to make kids happy! Merry Christmas to all of you!

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