Aren´t you tired of the heat? Before touching your thermostat read the article to find out a cheaper option to cool you down. The best way to refresh and add some cute selfies into your gallery.
Attention! Firstly check your smartphone or camera if it has a waterproof sign. You can break your gadget, so don´t blame us. We put this at the beginning to make sure you are actually read this before trying anything.
To prevent any extreme actions, check the temperature of the water you are going to use for your underwater challenge. The most difficult in the art of selfie-making is to find the location. In the ideal case, it should be The Carribean sea or Indian ocean full of amazing colourful creatures. But if you are stuck at home and no way you can go on vacations to Dominicana, it´s Ok bro, we understand. What can you do instead? Have fun where you are!
step 1. Find some water to put your camera in
Use some imagination, where do you usually cool down? In a city pool? Near the river or lake? For sure you can snap a nice picture in the nearest pound.
step 2. Slowly sink your face and camera into the water
Underwater selfie requires some practice, you should push a button on the wet device and make a selfie face at the same time. Don´t wear sunglasses while you are diving in the pool, it may look fun, but in reality, it´s not necessary. Find your best your best underwater selfie pose, it´s not as easy as it seems.
step 3. Smile without bubbles
Make sure to blow the bubbles before or just after you took a selfie. Seriously, your bubble storm can ruin it, completely. Just look.
Step 4. Welcome to underwater selfie pro club
A shark was photoshopped obviously, but the selfie itself is just perfect. We see eyes, teeth, funny face and no bubbles, 10 points. The shark just nailed the picture.
Enjoy the summer and let us see your underwater experiments.