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Your personal Selfie Calendar 2017!

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Are you exhausted from the shenanigans of this past Monkey year? Surprise after surprise (both fabulous and panic-laden) swung most of our ways. Following 12 months are going to bring fresh challenges requiring quick wit and practical solutions! If believe astrologers The Rooster as the sign of dawn and awakening, triumph and success can only be achieved at the price of hard work.

So, start working as soon as possible, if you want to stay on the top of the selfie rating. Luckily the Fire Rooster is generous with different holidays where you can take the best selfies. For you to remember what to focus on, we’ve prepared a list of the most important holidays in 2017.


The first holiday is Chinese New Year. Chinese people will celebrate it from January 27 (New Year’s Eve) to February 2. It lasts for 6 days, isn’t it great? Do you imagine how many selfies one can take?! So, to make a fabulous selfie and not to make Fire Rooster angry follow the advice. As the element for the Chinese year is RED, do not use red in your clothes and accessories. And don’t forget to smile The Rooster likes it.



Despite that the Fire Rooster prefers hard work it enjoys loud and colorful celebration as well. And where else to take incredibly perfect selfie than not in Brazil during its annual Rio Carnival? All these feathers, fabulous costumes, energetic music. The number of your followers will fly to the sky. But your task is to take qualitative photos while dancing. Believe us it’s really difficult! You need to practice. And how lucky you are! It’s still enough time, don’t waste it. Start practicing right now.



On March 17, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart across the globe observe St. Patrick’s Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green. So, not to lack behind others don’t forget about must accessories for this holiday: shamrock, green color (the greener you look the better), joyful mood and red beard.



One of the most spiritual holidays is celebrated in April. Easter is a moveable feast because it doesn’t fall on a set date every year. The Fire Rooster has set Easter on April, 16 this year. The symbols: Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny will obviously put your selfies on the top. But please don’t forget about your pretty smile!



Cinema fans all over the world can’t wait until may come, because the Rooster makes them an excellent present: the 70th anniversary of the Festival de Cannes. It’s not a secret that a number of celebrities are coming to Cannes. Don’t miss your chance to take selfies with them. Everybody knows that at the festival it’s much easier – just be more persistent than others. By the way the Festival is holding from May 17 to 28.



Here your aim is not to forget about June, 21 because this is the longest day in the year. It means that you have to take even more selfies on that day! Go to bed early on June, 20 as you should get up at Sunrise and take make-up free (or almost free ;)) selfie. And don’t miss Sunset and your “farewell selfie” to the longest day and Solstice.



You remember that travelling attracts followers to your account, don’t you? So the best place to visit in July is Canada! You ask why? In 2017 Canada celebrates 150 years as a nation. Stock up with maple leaves, good mood and gigabytes of your memory card. There your arms and fingers will be aching from the number of selfies.



Selfies are a great way to tell your friends that; YOU WERE THERE! The August 21, 2017 eclipse will be observable on four continents.  Where will you be?  Why not celebrate the eclipse by taking a selfie of you and the eclipse and adding it to NASA’s Solar Eclipse Flickr Group  or on Instagram by using #EclipseSelfie. Be creative but be safe!  NEVER look directly at the sun or through your camera’s view finder. 



Bier her, Bier her, oder ich fall um, juchhee

Bier her, Bier her, oder ich fall um.

Soll das Bier im Keller liegen

Und ich hier die Ohnmacht kriegen?

You understood only one word “Bier”? Then buy English-German dictionary – we’re going to Germany to taste the best beer, try the national costumes on and spend excellent time with friends. But please don’t try to taste all sorts of beer before you take a good selfie (at least one)! Otherwise you won’t have anything to share with your followers.



Do you know what we’re going to speak about? Yes, of course one of the most scaring holidays of a year – Halloween, and it’s not only the most scaring but the most creative one. To be competitive with others find the best outfit, put the best make-up and take selfies with as many different characters as possible.



Don’t forget that to reach the success you have to show your hard work and persistence to the Fire Rooster! And is there any better way to show it than a marathon? Don’t miss the opportunity to take part in the biggest marathon in the world. And of course you must have proofs – so take selfies while running. But practice beforehand, so that you’re fully equipped on the big day.



And to find out all secrets of perfect Christmas selfie read our previous article.


We wish all the people to enjoy and take selfies in their own creative way in 2017 !

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Selfie news
selfie contests app Selfiest

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