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Halloween selfie competition

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Why do we love autumn? In our previous post, we explained why. Why do we love October? Just two words – Halloween selfie. Trick-or-treat, sophisticated costumes, over the top make-up we love all that. Doesn´t matter whether you celebrate Halloween or Día de los muertos, the result is similar. Cool scary selfies. However, you should be even more careful before snapping a selfie, safety should always come first. Don´t burn your face trying to take a selfie with Jack-o-Lantern. Also, make sure that kids won´t eat all your candies, think about their parents and future dentist´s bills.

Halloween selfie tricks

First of all, choose your costume wisely. Maybe you already know that but huge no-no is all the racist things that you can easily avoid. Like never ever paint your skin in a different colour from your own. Don´t dress up in a costume of foreign culture, it may be too offensive for representatives of this particular culture if you do make sure you are totally aware of what you are wearing. You should at least. respect the heritage you are wearing in a spooky night.

Halloween is approaching so fast! So maybe you should start practising your special makeup? Finally, you can apply as many mascara and rouge as you like,  isn´t it just awesome? Share your Halloween selfie with the most extravagant makeup you can even imagine.

As usual for any picture pay special attention to light while snapping a Halloween selfie. It is a late night holiday, so test your camera if it can handle that challenge. 


Also, don´t be afraid to look funny, that´s the main point of the holiday, your ability to make fun of yourself.

Superheroes selfie are so popular and we know why.

Not to mention, that you are always looking super good with any Marvel universe costume. Enjoy your spooky night and don´t forget to post your Halloween selfies, we challenge you. 


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Selfie news
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