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7 years ago
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the grain effect selfies

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With TheSelfiePost we help you to stay tuned to every single selfie trend. Regardless, we are observing successful coming backs of many trends, like mirror selfie. Generally speaking, sometimes a new trend is just a well-forgotten old one. Do you remember first blurry pictures with a grain effect, you may see them in any retro photo exposition or in an old magazine. There was a time when pictures actually had a soal and a purpose. Let’s see how nowadays we are bringing retro grain effect in social media.

Why do we have “back to the roots” trend?

Well, it’s a well-known fact that ancient art is an unlimited source of inspiration. That’s why we had Renaissance in our culture, basically for the same reason. Photography is one of the youngest arts, the process of creating durable images. Generally speaking, with selfie culture, we are concentrated on taking pictures of ourselves. How many selfies can you take in a minute? How many pictures did people take in a previous century during all their life? Is that possible that the answer to these questions are the same?

How can you get a grain effect selfie?

It’s time to go back to basics. There are plenty of applications that can help you to reach this effect. Therefore, try the selfiest application, it can help you to make your selfies even more retro like. Positive sides of the grain effect – your selfies will look more fashionable. Your skin will look smoother and the play between lights and shadows will bring additional wow factor to your selfie. Don’t do your pictures too grainy, moderation is the key. There is nothing better than experimenting with textures on your selfies. Hence, it is time t take your camera and take several selfies. We know you enjoy the process. Have fun!

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Take a selfie
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