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7 years ago
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Have yourself a merry little Easter

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Spring is already here and it´s time to get rid of layers of the closing and feel the warm sunshine on your skin, don´t forget about sunblock though.  Why do we all love springs? Cute rabbits, Easter fun or Passover, this is the time to gather with your family and take Ester selfie. Why not?

Don´t take it too seriously, do you remember Jim Carrey an American actor and comedian? Well, he took a very cute selfie with a bunny and a carrot. It is just adorable!

Family Easter celebration

What can be better than wake up on Easter morning and take a group selfie? Look at Jessica Simpson and her husband Eric Johnson. She looks absolutely stunning with her daughter in matching dresses. SO stylish.

Who else took part in Easter pictures parade?

Every celebrity has his own style of celebrating the holy weekend. What can be more unique than pictures with a sense of humour like Miley Cyrus did? Miley made special a bit controversial memories this Easter. Just have a look at her Marylin Monroe perky pictures! Some people consider this too much on a holy day. Perhaps they are right, but we love Miley for her provocative bad girl style.

Some of the celebrities remember the real goal of this holiday. A good example of this is a half-Jewish American comedian Amy Schumer. She spent her holidays with new husband Chris Fischer visiting their family.

Classic Easter selfie from Dakota Fanning. The American actress chose a cute outfit and the rabbit filter to make her selfie 

We can show you the way the queen of selfies celebrated holidays. Together with Kanye West Kim Kardashian spent holidays in a family circle and posted cute pictures of her daughter North West chasing eggs. It seems new generation of Kardashian really enjoyed holidays!

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