selfie rankings
9 years ago
3 1

Need money? Take selfies!

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If you are tired of boring and monotonous job, you may follow in Gabrielle Epstein’s footsteps and make money out of …selfies. This Australian popular model is not just another pretty face – the girl studies biomedical science and knows how to make money. And how to take selfies, of course

epstein selfie

The model is only 21 and she is already an experienced model with 700,000 followers on Instagram. She’s not only represented Australia during Miss Universe but also is a state swimming champion.  Undoubtedly talented girl says that her Instagram account brings her much more money than her actual profession. gabrielle epstein adGabrielle takes pictures of herself wearing popular brands and that’s what she is paid for.  The fact she’s advertising does not necessarily mean the model will distribute any product she’s proposed to wear or demonstrate. She chooses only those items which are to her liking and makes exquisite pics the way no other girl does. You’ll never guess she’s advertising. Just have a look!

on the beach One of the conditions young model makes is promoting only those goods and products she really uses. Maybe that’s why the pictures look so natural and lively. By doing what she likes Epstein is making the whole generation’s dream come true which once again proves that everything’s possible – just try!


Article Categories:
Celebrity selfies
selfie contests app Selfiest

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