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8 years ago
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“Selfie course” – a joke or today’s necessity?

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The sun is setting behind you, your hair is blowing in the breeze and somehow your last Snapchat sent to your best friend wasn’t horrendous. Seems like a perfect time for a selfie.

take a perfect selfie take a perfect selfie

But are you sure that you know how to take a perfect selfie? You’ve read millions of articles on the Net, you’ve made hundreds of attempts. So you think you’re an expert on selfies? May be you’re wrong.

The selfie has come a long way, well definitely further than the end of a selfie stick. In the dawn of the last years and the announcement of the first ever ‘selfie course’ offered by a UK college, alongside the earth shattering news of Kim Kardashians debut book, Selfish– 365 pages of Kim featured selfies, we thought it was time we took stock of the use and importance of the selfies.

Selfish Kim Karadshian take a perfect selfie

If you’re selfie-obsessed and like the idea of bagging a qualification to prove your expertise in the field of the digital self-portrait, then listen up – a college in the UK is about to launch what’s thought to be the world’s first ever ‘selfie course.’

selfie course how to take better selfies

Kicking off in March at London’s City Lit College, the month-long course offers an in-depth look at the art of self-portrait photography along with practical advice on how to improve your existing skills.

take better selfies take better selfies

Cough up £132 ($200) and you’ll be able to “improve your critical understanding of the photographic self-portrait” as well as “develop your ideas to produce a coherent body of work,” it says in the course details.

According to the college’s website, students will have the chance to dig deep into the world of the selfie, examining “notions of identity, selfhood, and memory” while at the same time critiquing work “from a variety of practitioners,” who may or may not include Ellen DeGeneres.

selfie with a horse

The course aims to equip students with the necessary tools to “use light and significant detail in your work to good effect” as well as “develop new ideas to make your photography more relevant to your aims.”

Anyone is invited to enroll, including those who have engaged in self-portrait photography “in the most casual way,” so yes, keen selfie takers are more than welcome.

It’s not clear if the course includes a safety element, though judging by several recent incidents that saw selfies go horribly wrong, it could certainly do with one.

So whether you’re selfing for you, your company, business or brand remember to invoke your inner Kimmy Kardashian and get selfish with a selfie!

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