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8 years ago
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The ‘Self-Five Selfie’ or another challenge

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Selfie has penetrated into all spheres of our lives, so it’s impossible to life a day without taking at least one. But for some devoted fans of this modern trend it’s not enough to take a selfie. That’s how different challenges appear. If you want to be current with the world this text is for you.

Everyone who’s alive and breathing knows all those types of selfies: the regular selfie, a no-makeup selfie, and now there’s the try to high-five yourself and take a selfie at the same time selfie. Yes, the internet found a new challenge to take part in and the results will make you cry from laughing or from disappointing and breaking your phone.

Self-Five Selfie challenge Self-Five Selfie challenge

The latest photo trend taking over your is quickly rising to the top of the Internet’s “Reasons I Shattered My Smartphone Screen” list. It’s been dubbed the “hands-free…” or “self-five selfie,” and it’s exactly as ridiculous as it sounds.

The momentary Internet “trend” was created, originally, by one Seth Schneider who posted the first high five selfie to Twitter and went absurdly viral.

Self-Five Selfie challenge

People were left so impressed and astonished that he somehow managed to do it (and that he could’ve achieved the same result if he’d just set a timer on his phone). At last count, his original tweet has received 173,086 retweets and 437,513 likes. For Seth, at least, the risk of breaking his phone seems to have translated into 15 minutes of serious Internet fame:

That’s why there is no surprise that people are looking for their internet fame while trying to achieve the same result as Seth (or do it another way) and it’s pretty damn impressive. See some of the best examples ahead and try it yourself — and make sure you know what it takes to fix a cracked phone screen in case you fail at this selfie.

Of course, not everybody has been so lucky, but plenty of people are trying. Since the photo went viral, reports of the new trend exploded across the Internet and copycats began popping up like daisies out of the snow.

A quick search on Twitter produces more than a few examples:

These selfies may not bring you popularity unfortunately:

Self-Five Selfie challenge Self-Five Selfie challenge

Maybe it was their first and far not the best shot?

Self-Five Selfie challenge Self-Five Selfie challenge

But these people know how to control the gravity. They’re damn cool at it:

Self-Five Selfie challenge Self-Five Selfie challenge Self-Five Selfie challenge

So if you want to join the latest photo “craze” sweeping the world, be our guest. Just don’t blame us (or Seth) if you wind up with a shattered phone screen and a blurry mess of a “selfie” that didn’t even turn out.

Self-Five Selfie challenge

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