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Underwater selfie: secret rules to astonishment

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Nowadays it may seem that selfies have flooded the world. It is impossible to imagine contemporary

life without selfie. Each person at least once has made a selfie. But the difference between people is one make it only on special occasions, but for others is has become a life style. And today it’s getting more and more difficult to find out new creative places for selfie. So this article will give you some hints to astonish your friends and followers – underwater selfie. (pictures 1,2,3)

Underwater selfie: secret rules to astonishmentUnderwater selfie: secret rules to astonishmentUnderwater selfie: secret rules to astonishmentSo what makes an underwater selfie perfect?

  1. Know your camera. Whether you are using a smart phone or a high level underwater camera, the first thing to do before you get in the water is to practice. Just believe, it is much more difficult to learn using your camera while fighting the waves and trying to get oxygen through moments on the surface of the water. The better you know your camera before attempting the shot underwater the better it will come out. Underwater selfie: secret rules to astonishment Underwater selfie: secret rules to astonishment
  2. Be aware of the bubbles. One of the main tricks to underwater selfies is getting the shot without being covered up in bubbles. Why? Well, because the bubbles block out the beautiful picture all want to see: YOU! Best way to make sure you are not getting bubbles in the frame is to hold your breath…another reason why you want to make sure you know your camera before venturing out for the perfect underwater selfie. But don’t blow your cheeks out while holding your breath. This will make you look like a puffer fish. Underwater selfie: secret rules to astonishment Underwater selfie: secret rules to astonishment
  3. Bring your loved ones into it. A wonderful way to make your underwater selfie even more fun is to involve your friends and family into the photo. Said in other words: don’t make it all about you. Down the road the selfies that are done with loved ones are the ones that are treasured. Underwater selfie: secret rules to astonishment Underwater selfie: secret rules to astonishment
  4. Sincere shots. Make your shot as candid as possible. A great way for this to happen is to have some sea life involved in the shot. Maybe you are swimming with a giant whale shark. Get your shot with his or her spots in the background. Or maybe you are scuba diving the most amazing coral reef you have ever seen. Take the shot with the rainbows of color surrounding you. Whatever you do, make it fun and interesting. You’ll be happy later on that you did. Underwater selfie: secret rules to astonishment Underwater selfie: secret rules to astonishmentUnderwater selfie: secret rules to astonishment
  5. One is better than two. If you hold camera with both hands at shoulder height, not much will be visible aside your arms and heads. Hold the camera in one hand, for you to have more room for other objects.
  6. Focus is a key item. To achieve the perfect selfie effect use your strobes properly. It allows your image to be nicely lit and sharp. The strobes should be pulled in right next to the camera and angled out at about 45 degrees. Using this technique you will soft light your face without backscatter. Set the focus on “closest” object setting to achieve the clearest image.
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