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7 years ago
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Bought a new pair of shoes? Take a shoefie

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A shoefie? Pardon? If you have never heard this word before… Don´t worry, it´s too complicated to stay tuned for all those kaleidoscopic trends. we are here for you to explain to you what is this new trend about. Essentially, the word shoefie means a selfie of your footwear posted on social media. Bought a new pair of shoes? It´s a great opportunity to take a picture and now you know how to call it correctly.<img alt="shoselfie">

Shoefie it´s a nice way to diversify your selfies. We all know that some pairs of shoes deserve to be displayed. So make sure you understood the definition of this word completely. There are few mistakes that some people make trying to be in trend. Remember, not every picture of your shoes can be considered as a selfie of your shoes.

Not a shoefie if:

  • First of all, for a perfect shoe selfie, at least one shoe should be on your feet and this is the rule. Any picture where you pose next to your brand new shoes can be fancy but it’s not a shoe selfie. Want to make a shoefie? Put your shoes on!  Additionally, you can wear boots, heels, sneakers, trainers,  flipflops and whatever you like, whether it an old pair or a brand new one.  Literally, any footwear is suitable for this goal. A picture of your hand and a shoe in it can´t be considered as a shoefie.
  • Secondly,  if anyone else captured your shoes and your feet in them, can´t be considered as a shoefie. Here it´s obvious, only you can take a selfie of your shoes and nobody else but you, boop-boop-a-doop!
  • The next moment, a nice picture of your shoes it´s just a picture, but not a shoefie. Generally speaking, for a nice shoe selfie, you need your feet, a pair of shoes and camera.

Maybe you are not a fashion blogger, but it´s important to differentiate modern terms and not confuse them.


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