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Which celebrity would you invite to the Thanksgiving dinner?

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Each year on the fourth Thursday in November, Americans gather for a day of feasting, football and family. While today’s Thanksgiving celebrations would likely be unrecognizable to attendees of the original 1621 harvest meal, it continues to be a day for Americans to come together around the table. Celebrity Selfie Thanksgiving Dinner

So with Thanksgiving right around the corner, celeb families from all over are coming together to celebrate each other and spend some quality time with one another.

Let’s remember how celebrities spent this wonderful day these last years. It was an opportunity to pause from their busy schedules and enjoy some time out with loved ones. And for some of Hollywood’s biggest names, Thanksgiving was time to prepare a delicious turkey dinner in the traditional manner.

Heidi KlumMariah Carey and Jessica Alba were just some of the stars making the most of the American holiday – and sharing some intimate snaps of their celebrations with their hundreds of thousands of followers on social network sites.

Marking her first Thanksgiving without her estranged husband Seal in 2012, German supermodel Heidi pulled out all the stops to make a scrumptious-looking turkey with all the trimmings. And it seemed as if she’d been working on her meal for ages, posting: “FINALLY!” with the picture. Celebrity Selfie Thanksgiving Dinner

Fans got a good look at Jessica’s kitchen, when the hands on mum-of-two’s husband Cash Warren shared a snap of her preparing a feast for him and their two girls Honor and Haven. He said: “Wife and I are throwing it down today!!”  Celebrity Selfie Thanksgiving Dinner

Many stars were feeling grateful for their family members on the special holiday. P Diddy posed with his mother and their delicious-looking turkey. He wrote: “I thank God for my Mamma. Happy Thanksgiving to all the mothers out there!” Celebrity Selfie Thanksgiving Dinner Mariah and her ex husband Nick Cannon were also snapped in the kitchen several years ago. But it looked like music mogul Nick, who pulled a face at the camera, was taking charge. “Prepping the day before!” posted pop diva Mariah.  Celebrity Selfie Thanksgiving Dinner

Gwyneth Paltrow has always chosen to celebrate with her family, that the photo posted with a sign “Happy thanksgiving day from us to you” proved. Celebrity Selfie Thanksgiving DinnerA model mum Miranda Kerr had a responsible mission to explain all the details of this day to her little son. “Aw, baby’s first carving” Celebrity Selfie Thanksgiving Dinner

It’s just impossible not to be jealous of Hugh Jackman and his delicious turkey! Celebrity Selfie Thanksgiving Dinner
Not everyone prefers celebrating with nearest and dearest at home. The forty-fourth President of the USA Barak Obama spent Thanksgiving 2015 feeding the homeless. A perfect example to follow.

Celebrity Selfie Thanksgiving Dinner

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