selfie rankings
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The most wonderful places for selfie

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It’s not a secret people leading active way of life are always admired. And. of course, the number of your follower will enormously increase if you’re an active person with aims and desires, and if your profile proofs it with lots of photos (your trip photos will obviously deepen the interest). So, if you’re planning your Christmas holidays and have no idea where to go, we’ve worked out a list of the most popular places for selfies specially for you. Read carefully to make a correct choice.

Trolltunga, Norway

Called The Troll’s Tongue by locals, this rock formation in Odda, Norway, is a thrill-seeker’s dream. The fact that you’re here, on the very edge of a jaw-dropping cliff, overseeing the water and the mountains, makes taking a selfie a must.In this instance, making it to the edge of this extraordinary cliff calls for lots of showing off with very little feeling guilty about it. This is most definitely one of the wildest locations for a selfie. We’re not sure how you would hashtag this amazing shot but #beautiful and #scary come to mind. Take an awesome selfie here.

most wonderful places for selfie Trolltunga most wonderful places for selfie Trolltunga most wonderful places for selfie Trolltunga

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Meaning “the smoke that thunders,” this waterfall in southern Africa bordering Zambia and Zimbabwe is twice as tall as Niagara Falls, and longer too. Depending on how adventurous you are, activities include a huge swing over the gorge and bungee-jumping. For the really brave, head to the naturally formed Devil’s Pool, where the rock barriers form an eddy where swimmers can go right up to the edge of the falls (and take a selfie!).

Victoria Falls most wonderful places for selfie Victoria Falls most wonderful places for selfie Victoria Falls most wonderful places for selfie Victoria Falls most wonderful places for selfie

Mineral Beach, the Dead Sea, Israel

Yes, covering your body in clay and floating in water so salty you physically cannot sink calls for the title of coolest selfie. In general, selfies work best when they’re not just showcasing your smile, but also an amazing location not everyone on your social media channels has had the pleasure of visiting. This location is particularly deserving of a selfie because it’s one of the most unique places in the world. You may want to skip on the bathroom selfie or the gym selfie, but the Dead Sea in Israel selfie just can’t be a bad idea. Best place for a selfie.

Mineral Beach, the Dead SeaMineral Beach, the Dead Sea selfieMineral Beach, the Dead Sea selfie

Chittorgarh Fort, India

You might need some camera help in Chittorgarh Fort, if only to make sure you get the whole impact of the sweeping scenery inside the shot. Built in the 7th century and considered to be the largest fort in India, the spot holds historic significance for the country after being passed through the hands of multiple rulers, used as the site for three battles, and eventually abandoned. It was finally refurbished in 1905.

Chittorgarh Fort selfie Chittorgarh Fort selfie Chittorgarh Fort selfie

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana

America’s first national park, and the home of geriatric geyser Old Faithful, who is in a good company with most of the rest of the country’s geysers. Get a snap while snowshoeing or taking in the incredible scenery, which stretches for 3,468 miles.

Yellowstone National Park selfie Yellowstone National Park selfie Yellowstone National Park

Zion National Park, Utah

Cliffs in cream, pink, and red will serve as the backdrop at the 229-square-mile national park — Utah’s first. Hikers, bikers, and climbers can all find their own heaven within the park’s sweeping views, like at the half-mile-deep Zion Canyon.

Zion National Park Zion National Park

Dog sledding in Ontario

Whether you’re on a dog sled in Ontario, Banff, Quebec, or anywhere else in the country, it can be one of the most thrilling experiences of your life. Therefore, a great place to take a selfie. You may not think so, but a dog sled ride is action-packed, fast and loads of fun. For many, it’s also a once-in-a-lifetime experience, making it selfie-worthy in our books. Snap a photo of yourself bouncing through the wilderness with these amazing dogs for a shot you won’t regret.

Dog sledding in Ontario selfie Dog sledding in Ontario selfie Dog sledding in Ontario selfie

Antelope Canyon, Arizona

Forget the Grand Canyon — this stunning canyon is the new hotness. Traipse through the miles of colorful rock formations, created from the rivers and streams eroding the sandstone.

Antelope Canyon selfie Antelope Canyon selfie

Mendenhall Ice Caves in Juneau, Alaska

Because a glacier in Alaska is melting (damn you, global warming), these gorgeous ice caves temporarily exist for our exploring pleasure, though some caverns have already shrunk to a third of their original size. If you’re hiking, just watch out for falling ice chunks — they can be as big as refrigerators.

Mendenhall Ice Caves in Juneau selfie Mendenhall Ice Caves in Juneau selfie

The toboggan down from the Great Wall of China

If you’ve made the trip to China (so very cool in itself) and managed to walk all the way across the Great Wall, there is no more awesome way to get back down than by taking a toboggan – yes, a toboggan. It’s one of the best places to take a selfie.

toboggan down from the Great Wall of China toboggan down from the Great Wall of China

Hot Air Balloon Ride

There are few things that compare to the exhilarating feeling of flying 6,000 feet in the airin a basket being blown around by hot air. Believe it or not, flying in a hot air balloon can be a beautiful, peaceful, and serene experience (unless you have an overpowering fear of heights). Viewing the world for over an hour at a height so you high you can’t touch the ground, but close enough to make out what lies below is a remarkable experience. Taking a selfie here is a must for two reasons: the ride is so short and will probably only be experience this one time, and you really don’t want the hot air balloon controller taking his hands off the heat to snap a photo for you. Just be sure to keep your hands in the basket, especially if you’re known to have butter fingers. A great place to take a selfie.

Hot Air Balloon Ride selfie Hot Air Balloon Ride selfie

Article Categories:
Extreme selfies
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