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9 years ago
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Another crazy selfie-maker ruins 126-year-old statue

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Another cruel selfie attack happened in Lisbon where an unknown 24 year old person destroyed a 126-year-old statue last Tuesday. Dom Sebastio whose statue was smashed ruled Portugal from 1557 to 1558. The statue is a part of  Rossio Railway Station which is a historical building completed in 1890. Probably young people do not value things that are so old any more. Rossio Station frontThat’s how the station looked before the accident. CREDIT: ALAMY

This is not the first time when tourists destroy historical monuments and probably is not the last. Should authorities strengthen security systems or just ban mobile phones and cameras? Who’s going to visit a museum without a camera these days? Should we grow up and just give up on destroying things we didn’t create? Unfortunately that’s hardly possible. Dom Sebastiao ruinedA picture to remember what happens after our quests for extraordinary selfies.

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Worst selfies
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