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9 years ago
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Kardashian and Ratajkowski seek freedom with nude selfies

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Kardashian’s nude selfie caused multitudes of comments in social networks. Some of them included strong criticism as well as words of support. Not only fans protected the author of ‘Selfish’ but also such celebs as Sharon Osbourne and Emily Ratajkowski. Ratajkowski admitted that she was facing the same sort of criticism as Kardashian. She wrote an essay published in popular feminist journal ‘Lenny’ created by Lena Dunham. The actress claims that sexuality is something that women don’t have to be ashamed of. ‘To me, “sexy” is a kind of beauty, a kind of self-expression, one that is to be celebrated, one that is wonderfully female’. She also posted totally naked pic to her Instagram as a vivid verification of her words. It seems that Kardashian and Ratajkowski share the same feminist values supporting and encouraging women around the world. They even consolidated to make a bath nude selfie which evolved even more enthusiastic comments than before. Here is the famous pic

Ratajkowski’s caption to the photo sounds more philosophic: ‘However sexual our bodies may be, we need to hve the freedom as women to choose whn & how we express our sexuality’

Some followers don’t believe in stars’ feminist spirit and they suspect these nude pics are a mere manipulation.

comment to Kardashian


Fashion comes and goes – you just have to follow the trends if you want people to remember who you are. And feminism is trendy. Although we can’t be sure whether these two beautiful women are real feminists, the question of sexy selfies is now open to debate.

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