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Valentine’s Day selfie

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Every year, on 14 February people across the world show their love to each other. People wish ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’ to people special to them. When else if not on St. Valentine’s Day to take a romantic picture with you loved one. Such photos are a great keepsake and can make you remember the amazing times you’ve spent with your special person. It can capture the mood of your relationship, whether it’s silly or romantic. But sometimes it can be difficult for couples to get good pictures of themselves together. These days, you don’t have to go to a professional photographer, because just about everyone has a camera on their phone, so the only real problem is striking a pose that looks nice, but not false. If you don’t have enough pictures of you as a couple, try out some of these cute couple poses ideas for you to try with your important person:

  1. Foreheads touching

The trick to getting a good picture of you together is to make it intimate, but keep it clean! One sweet looking pose is for you to lie or stand opposite each other, and just gently touch your foreheads together. Eyes open or closed, it’s a lovely, tender and cute couple pose.

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  1. A peck on the cheek

A full on kiss might be fine for your private album, but for a more innocent looking picture, one partner kissing the other on the cheek looks great. Especially, if one is shorter than the other, so they have to stand on tiptoes to reach.

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  1. Hands holding

You don’t need a full body shot to show your love. Instead, take a picture of the two of you interlocking your fingers. To get a more romantic effect, alter the photo so that it’s in black and white. It’s a cute idea that you won’t have to prep for.

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  1. Hold him from behind

Stand behind your man and put one arm over his shoulder and remember, it looks far more personal and more romantic, if you look at each other and not into the camera. Even if both of you are looking in the same direction, but away from the camera, as though you are looking into the distance can look great and romantic.

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  1. Head to head

You don’t even have to stand up for this one. Take a picture of you laying in the grass or bed in opposite directions. Look up into the camera or turn your head so that you’re staring into each other’s eyes.

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And don’t forget that the cutest couple poses come out when you’re being yourselves.

The next time you feel like posing for the camera, keep these ideas in mind.

Do you have any amazing pictures of you with your person? Don’t forget to share them with us.

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