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What’s your opinion on after sex selfies?

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after sex

It seems we are living in selfies century. Maybe in a few years, you will be taking selfies for official documents. At the moment it’s hard to find someone who has never taken a selfie.  Even the Eskimo people also take them, we have checked this. And your grannies know how to do that. Taking appropriate, doubtfully appropriate and absolutely inappropriate selfies it is all with what the humanity is busy right now. Sounds too pessimistic for you? Well, at least we can have some fun, speaking of this, will you post all your fun moments on social media?

How about special moments with your significant one? How far can you go? There are tons of awkward after sex selfies, and we ask is it necessary? Like vacations selfies, if you haven’t posted anything from your vacations like you have never had them. What about privacy? Before taking any after sex picture, make sure the person doesn’t mind, or you can put a hashtag after “ex” selfie.

An absolute no-no

If you feel it’s not for you, stay strong post-coital faces on social media don’t prove anything. At least if you are more than 17, it’s absolutely unnecessary. If you want to prove that you are not so pathetic and there is someone ready to have sex with you, bad news lad, it’s extremely sad.

After sex do what you feel right

Otherwise, step out of your comfort zone sometimes, and make something thrilling like after sex selfie can be exciting and even cute. Both of you are high on oxytocin and feel so happy after making love, maybe it’s time to say “why not?”. When you having sex with someone you are in love with is so special and on the grade of inappropriate selfies, it’s really not a big deal.  Instead of cuddling, get ready your camera and put it near the bed for more unforgettable selfies.

Let us know what do you think in the comments below?

Article Categories:
Extreme selfies
selfie contests app Selfiest

Comments to What’s your opinion on after sex selfies?

  • @Don You do know many of the celebrities have had their nude selfies stolen and websites such as these take advantage of that theft? Youre here to have a wank or to admire those stolen selfies but at the same time you have just enough morals to call the headline writes the asshole ? LOL

    Plugar April 2, 2018 4:18 am Reply
  • nothing to write home about

    pj nottid October 3, 2018 8:41 pm Reply

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