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7 years ago
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Do and donts of a gym selfies

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Do you like gym and healthy way of life? Or you are going there just to show off your body and take a couple of gym selfies? Whatever your reasons are, showing some skin in a gym could lead to a total ban from the fitness centre you are going to. To clarify this we should add that some selfies, require knowledge and don’t overestimate the privacy of a locker room.

For nice gym selfies do

  • watch out the background. No one wants to see strange sweating people on your selfie.
  • be confident, but natural. If you are trying to choose a pose in which your muscles will look bigger, well it’s better to have something to show first. Secondly, bodybuilder´s poses are out of fashion so many years from now. Please, don´t pretend you haven´t heard about this.
  • take your gym selfie before the workout. Don´t be ashamed of your sweaty face after the workout, it´s a natural process while you are exercising your body removes toxins. At the same time, your tomato red face is not so photogenic as your normal face. Chose wisely.
  • use filters in the app.


Couple lifting weights in gym

  • forget why you are in a gym. Since you pay for your membership in a gym, we hope you will have an actual workout there.
  • ask strangers to take your gym picture. It can be so superficial and even irritating. The new phenomenon of gym narcissism is not something to be proud of.
  • be embarrassed about taking selfies in a gym. All the gym goers do that.
  • forget about good light. In case of gym selfies, it´s better to choose artificial lights, leave natural light to fitness addicts and personal trainers. Some artificial lights can help you create the right angles to show off your hard work in a gym.
  • show too much of your body. It´s a gym, not a beach, so too revealing pictures are not appropriate. 



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