Are you intrigued by the title? You clicked just to check whether it is true. The answer is yes, selfie cat is real and we should admit he took pelfies on a brand new level. Let me introduce you to Manny the first and the most adorable selfie cat in the world.
In the first sight, there is not much difference between this photo and billions of cats pictures from the internet, but what if we say you that Manny takes his selfies by himself. How do we know that? It could be the photoshop or an accident. Calm your inner critic down, please. We are happy to share more amazing snaps with you.
Manny loves hanging out with dogs. His owner assures us that he might think that he is a dog himself. Manny has got his own squad and from the selfies, he is having a good time with them.
Does the selfie cat is trying to pose with his tongue out as Miley Cyrus or it seems?
As you see on here, Manny is happy to show us his pet human. Isn´t it great? A cat who can take better selfies than people who don´t read us.
Surprisingly, this grey kitty is just obsessed with a GoPro camera and every time he sees any he is ready to take a selfie. The cat learned this skill by chance but we see how he loves this. Although, Manny is one of the most intelligent cats on the planet. Finally, the selfie generation taught all creatures great and small doing something really helpful. Thanks to Selfie cat we can see the world with its eyes. Learn how to become the internet sensation, or you can follow him on social media @yoremahn.