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10 years ago
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Selfiest app for iOS – win selfie challenges, view ratings and stats

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Selfie network with manual camera & photo editor

Selfiest, the new social selfie network, has just hit the App Store. It’s an exclusive photo app for participating in selfie challenges and connecting with people around.

Selfie network with manual camera & photo editor
Each week there’s a themed challenge for selfie lovers. Users can upload up to 2 selfies of a certain theme – Fitness selfie, BFF selfie, Ice-cream selfie, Funny selfie, etc. The winner is the one who gets the most thumbs up. After the voting is closed, users can view the rating of all selfies which participated in a challenge.
Selfie network with manual camera & photo editor
 Each user can also view their own rating based on all-time activity in the app. It depends on the number of followers, likes received and selfies posted. It can be filtered by time period (week, month, all time) and location (nearby, city, world). The app also allows to view stats for fans (followers), likes, top fans by location, gender, and more.
Selfie network with manual camera & photo editor
 A built-in photo editor provides users with every tool they need to make their selfies look cooler. They can apply photo filters and effects, add funny stickers, doodles, word art, frames, create selfie memes, and more.
Selfie network with manual camera & photo editor
 With Selfiest, users can search selfie-takers nearby, follow / unfollow them, view their profiles, comment and like their selfies. Selfiest supports sharing to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The app has also been optimized to support iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.
Selfie network with manual camera & photo editor
 Join a selfie challenge now to know if you’re the Selfiest!
Article Categories:
selfie contests app Selfiest

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