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6 years ago
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Welcome back, mirror selfies

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Particularly, since the Snowhite story, people are still addicted to mirrors. Moreover, narcissism is not a plague of the twenty-first century.  Do you remember? “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” Each time the mirror will respond who takes the best mirror selfie. Wait, don’t think that it’s an old-fashioned trend. Therefore, there is a rumour going around that one of the worst trends OF ALL TIME is coming back. We are happy to tell you that The Kardashians/The Haddids’ trendsetters got back to life this craze of the 2000s.

Let’s have a closer look. We have got a brief investigation of your attention.

When Kardashians say that mirror selfies are cool again

After giving birth to the first child Kylie Jenner posted multiple selfies to prase the look of a mummy Kylie. They look just adorable together.

As you see from this mirror selfie Stormi is not into the media world at the moment. But the youngest of Jenners is an icon of mirror selfies, here we got some to prove.

Instagram / @kyliejenner

Kylie snaped a story on Instagram to show off her post-baby body.

At the same time, Kim K has always been in love with mirror selfies and she increased the number of them on her social media. The internet culture makes other celebrities follow the leaders.

The Hadids’ mirror selfies

One of the most famous families in the fashion industry is making a huge impact on what we wear and what we buy. Thanks to efforts of Bella and Gigi the mirror selfies are back on track as a phoenix.


High fashion mirror selfies. these girls can add some class to any selfie. Particularly, setting a trend is not a big deal for them.

Stay tuned to know the newest updates in the world of selfies.

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