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10 years ago
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How to take the perfect selfie

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selfie lighting

Whatever the true reason of the Asian Selfie-boom is, one thing is clear: these guys have an eye for self-portraits and can make from image taken with camera phones a real masterpiece. Therefore we present to your attention selfie-lessons from the Asians.

Rule No. 1. Get the right selfie lighting

Avoid light sources behind the back.

selfie lighting

The best time for making selfie outdoors – at sunrise or sunset, when the light is soft and beautiful. There is nothing worse when under intense daylight shadows fall across the face.

When shooting indoors, stand in front of the window. It is better to take pictures in the daylight: the artificial lighting (especially dim) may add age..

Life hack: place under the chin a sheet of white paper. It perfectly reflects the light and will help to hide a double chin.

Rule No. 2. Find your best angle

Everyone has has his/her good looking side. Practice will help in finding it. Bow your head at different angles (the majority looks good at the angle of three quarters), look at different points. Eventually you will find a pose that makes you photogenic.

best selfie angles

Life hack: Do not take photos en face, if you don’t want to get selfie à la passport photo. Turn your head slightly to the profile – it will add you prettiness.

Rule No. 3. Keep your hand properly

Do you remember the Korean girl, which in a clap turned from a plain girl into beauty only by raising hand with the phone to the right level?

Stretch your arm and hold your smartphone at eye level. Remember: if you raise your hand slightly above and look at the camera from bottom to top, the eyes will look more wide open and enticing.

Life hack: Use timer to reduce the risk of blurred photos, also when shooting with selfie-stick without function of remote camera activation.

Rule No.4. Pay attention to the background

There are many selfie fails on the Internet, when people made selfie neglecting the background (here is a large collection). Do not repeat their mistakes. Make sure that there are no strangers on the background, and what is most important – clean the room.

Life hack: a mirror in the background can become an interesting author decision and demonstrate the beauty of the figure.

Rule No. 5. Use the filters and apps

In some modern smartphones (eg, Samsung Galaxy S5 and LG G3) there are special beauty-features. These are the camera modes, which create effect of retouched images.

beauty retouche for selfie

If your phone does not support these functions, you can resort to applications. B612, MeituPic, BeautyPlus, Photo wonder – there is a big choice. If you want a photo fx editor, get Selfiest app for free.

Remember: do not abuse photo editing. The borderland between nice and funny selfie is very thin.

Life hack: asian girls like lightening face and increasing eyes. Think carefully before going this way. Such transformation may not work fine for the European type.

Rule No. 6. Use accessories

Selfie is a funny thing, but boring. If you want to diversify “selfie” and collect more likes, use accessories. Trendy glasses or a stylish hat may revolutionize your image.

selfie with a hat

Life hack: make selfie creatively, so as not to gain the character of narcissus.

Rule No. 7. Smile

Stone face selfies are terrible. Nobody likes sad faces. Photos with smiling people look more natural and pleasant. And “duck lips” are already considered to be a mauvais ton.

Life hack: wriggle a little bit in front of the camera to loosen up and make selfie with a dazzling smile.

Hope that these tips will help you to make selfie as the Asian beauties do.

perfect asian selfie

sexy asian selfie girl

perfect selfie

Article Categories:
Take a selfie
selfie contests app Selfiest

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