selfie rankings
8 years ago
2 0

Extreme Selfies: the Best or the Craziest?

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It’s impossible to imagine our life without selfie. Each day people all over the world make millions of selfies. And sometimes chasing a dream to have the most extraordinary photo people showed a reckless disregard for their own safety.

Meet Angela Nikolau – a Russian self-taught photographer who takes the most dangerous selfies ever.

Angela is always looking for new challenges and adventures, and while she’s at it – she doesn’t forget to take a selfie (or ask someone to photograph her). From standing on the edge of a skyscraper to laying down on the edge of a high-rise building’s rooftop – all of her pictures are both beautiful and cringe-worthy at the same time. You can follow her adventures on Instagram.

WARNING: Don’t try this yourself if you’re not an experienced climber, it is extremely dangerous. REALLY! DON’T!

Angela Nikolau extreme selfie Angela Nikolau extreme selfie Angela Nikolau extreme selfie Angela Nikolau extreme selfie Angela Nikolau extreme selfie Angela Nikolau extreme selfie Angela Nikolau extreme selfieAngela Nikolau extreme selfie Angela Nikolau extreme selfie Angela Nikolau extreme selfie

Article Categories:
Extreme selfies
selfie contests app Selfiest

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