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9 years ago
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British pop queen selfie collection – the most impressive Adele selfies

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Adele’s single “Hello” goes platinum and it’s last week’s most-streamed track as well. She is now competing with Canadian star Justin Bieber and her fellow citizens from “One Direction”. 2.3 million fans are already following her “fresh” Instagram account which was created on the 22nd of October. We are glad to congratulate British singer with her appalling success and share some rare and unknown selfies with you.

Lady Gaga selfie.

Lady Gaga posted this tremendous selfie to her tweeter half a year ago. The caption reads as follows: “Nothing like a Wednesday night bro-down with the beautiful Adele”

lady gaga selfie Adele selfies

Stevie Nicks selfie.

Adele posted a pic to tweeter captioning it  “So…tonight was THE best night of my life. I love you Stevie Nicks!! The queen of melodies! Thanks for everything x”. 27-year old Adele visited the Fleetwood Mac’s concert and took a chance to take a nice snap while 67-year old Stevie Nicks dedicated a song to Adele during the concert. Lovely!


Stevie Nicks selfie

No makeup selfie

Generally, Adele is not fond of sharing personal pictures on the web but on her 26th birthday celebrity posted several no makeup selfies with the caption: “Bye Bye 25… See you again later in the year x,”

Adele without makeup selfie adele b-day selfie

Oscar selfie

Old Oscar- new selfie! Cheerful Adele and Graham Norton posing for a selfie with a golden man. In 2013 Adele got Oscar for the best original song. It was Skyfall of course.

Oscar selfie

 Paul de Leeuw selfie

Beautiful Adele poses for a selfie with Dutch host Paul de Leeuw
Paul de Leeuw selfie

Xavier Dolan selfie

A new one from “Hello” video shooting with music video director, amazing Xavier Dolan
Xavier Dolan selfie

Katy Perry selfie

Katy made a selfie with Adele when the latter visited her concert in London last year. Perry posted a selfie to her Instagram with the following caption: “…And on the 2nd LDN show the Queen graced me with her presence.”

Katy Perry selfie

Selfies with fans 

We couldn’t miss a chance to include fans selfies in our collection.

Adele fans selfie

Adele fan selfie

Adele fan1 selfie


Adele fan2 selfie


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Celebrity selfies
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