selfie rankings
9 years ago
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Kim Kardashian shares her birthday pics on Facebook

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This week selfie queen Kim Kardashian celebrated her 35th birthday. The year was more than successful for Kim. First and foremost she’s going to be a mom again! She also published a book “The Selfish” which was sold out in less than a minute. It was a year when Kardashian became the most followed person on Instagram exceeding Beyonce and Selena Gomez in the amount of followers which is now 44.3 million people.

We collected the brightest and sexiest Kardashian’s pics to celebrate her uniqueness once again.

Kim's b-day cake


Birthday cake should look that awesome if you want to impress Kim!

belly party

Kardashian’s friends wear fake bellies to imitate pregnancy during the party – that’s real friendship.

Halloween app

Kim shares awesome Halloween looks from her newly released app! So great!

west family kardashian's kids

Family is Kardashian’s number one priority, that’s why so many people adore her and some even envy her lifestyle

black dress and Kim

red lips style

She may be elegant and stylish as well as…

Sexy selfie

sexy and confident. She’s never the same

funny  Kim

She can be funny

 casual Kardashian

And casual. What we know for sure such women are never alone.

Kanye West and Kim

Article Categories:
Celebrity selfies
selfie contests app Selfiest

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