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The Hover Camera Passport Drone: new way of taking selfies

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Taking the perfect selfie is a strenuous task nowadays, and those who understand are on the crest of the wave. And Apple understands. To ease an exhausting selfie-taking process, the company released a new device that can take the perfect selfie for you without any effort whatsoever. It’s essentially the perfect product for lazy, vain people who just want better photos of themselves without any of the work.

Hover Camera Passport Drone: new way of taking selfies Hover Camera Passport Drone: new way of taking selfies

The convenient selfie-taker was released on Wednesday, April 12, and is called the Hover Camera Passport Drone — and it’s a drone that was made to take hands-free selfies for you. TBH, it’s so cool you’ll probably forget selfie sticks ever existed.

Hover Camera Passport Drone: new way of taking selfies

The high-tech drone isn’t like normal drones you’ll see buzzing across the horizon from time to time, though. It’s much, much more than that. The Hover Camera Passport Drone is basically your own personal, floating photographer — and it has the ability to lock onto a person’s face and take ongoing photos of them while they go about their day.

A statement on the Apple Product Page explains the complexity and convenience of the product. “Once in the air, Hover Camera Passport automatically finds and follows you (its owner), while recording your everyday life from a completely new angle. It’s all possible thanks to advanced artificial intelligence facial recognition algorithms. So, basically, once the camera recognizes you as its “owner,” it will follow you around and document your every move.”

Hover Camera Passport Drone: new way of taking selfies Hover Camera Passport Drone: new way of taking selfies

If you like travelling alone, this might be the best device to add to your collection, considering it’s kind of awkward asking strangers to take selfies for you. The convenient drone — which has the ability to connect to your smartphone — can recognize hand gestures, which means no smartphone is even required to take your selfie. Sounds too good to be true, right?

Hover Camera Passport Drone: new way of taking selfies

Well, there are some downfalls. First of all, the device might draw attention to the selfies you’re taking. Apparently, the drone is loud and can be heard buzzing while it floats through the air while simultaneously snapping pictures of you. But, hey, if a little noise is the only downfall to the product, I’d say it’s still worth owning.

The second downfall: It costs $499 — so if you wish to buy a Hover Camera Passport Drone for yourself start saving up.

But if you are not ready to waste this amount of many on Selfie Drone, you can always choose some cheaper accessories for selfies. Here you can find the information about the latest trends.

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