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Let’s learn to make a selfie from Asians

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Nobody likes selfie more than Asians. Nobody makes selfie better than them. Let’s learn why Asians like to make a photo of themselves by a handy and how to make kawaii selfies.

asian selfie

Photo: MountainsCreative/


Selfie is a global insanity. But nowhere than in Asia the popularity of selfies has grown to a big scale. The vivid example: a girl with a nickname Mortao from Thailand has more than 19 000 photos in the Instagram, the majority of them are selfies. For comparison: Kim Kardashian with millions of subscribers seems to be “modest” – just 2 500 publications.

mortao instagram

Asian area is an epicenter of a selfie-culture. The magazine Time drew up a ranking of cities where selfies are made more often. As a result the Filipino town Makati turned up to be a world capital of selfies.  From Top-10 towns 4 are situated in Asia.

People there really adore self-portraits. They download and install thousands of selfie-applications every day. To enlarge eyes, to make skin white and smooth like china – that’s a standard set of functions of such apps. Recently a Japan application Primo has become popular. It allows clearing off retouch and seeing a real face of man. Results are impressive.

primo app before et after retouche

Asians play first fiddle in the selfie-fashion. As a protest to the glamorous #toiletlooks and #duckfaces the Chinese girls gave an impulse to the selfies with unshaved armpits. Hairy selfies became rapidly popular. So popular, that even world stars start taking such pictures.

hairy unshaved armpits of asian girl and madonna in a selfie

Another tendency is to selfie hanging head in order to hide a face or to draw attention to hair or nails. It was invented by the Japan sharp-dressers hjaru.

Everybody’s fad by selfie in the Asian area influences the local technologic market. The manufacturers of smartphones compete with each other in whose front camera is better. The Chinese company Huawei has even registered a brand Groufie (from “group selfie”), and South-Korean Samsung has invented a term wefie (group selfie with 120° look angle) for a commercial of its new smart-camera.

selfie monopod for welfie

One more evidence of the asian selfie-boom is marketing. Advertisers immediately felt the mood of community and began to promote goods with the help of selfies.

The Filipino McDonald’s commercial: when a selfie-stick is more than just a tripod.

The Chinese company Lenovo produces an external flash for selfieholics and punctuates its marketing on selfie.

The Huawei virus campaign for the promotion of the Honor 3G smartphone is based on the demonstration of camera opportunities for purposes of selfie.

Asian love to selfie is so all-embracing that governances begin to impose preventive measures. For example, selfies are not allowed in museums and galleries, and administration of South Korea want to take control on the sale of monopods for selfie (they are so many, that Bluetooth-detectors hamper operation of other equipment).

What you should remember using selfie-stick

What is a secret of this passion? According to the experts opinion one of the reasons is the overpopulation in the Asian area. More than a billion people live in China only! Selfie is a way of self-expression, an attempt to claim about yourself. “Hey, here I am! I’m near you!”

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